The Project
The project is located in Wisconsin in the approximated UTM coordinates:
433,191.59 m E
4,712,006.29 m N
Wave database
Wave data base has been obtained from the WIC project (USACE). Wic counts with wave information from
01-Jan-1979 to 31-Dec-2014
Operational wave climate
These plots and tables show the statistical behavior of the long term wave climate in the two selected stations. This gives us a insight about the most frequent wave characteristics.
Extreme wave climate
Based on the biggest storms occurred in the Lake Michigan, the wave heights associated to different return periods have been estimated. The plots show the trend of the extreme waves from 1 yo 100 years of return periods. From this data, we have been able to get the waves for 25, 50 and 100 years to be simulated from the station points to nearshore in front of the Kenosha Dunes.
Operational wind
Based on the operational wind data, the maximum wind velocity and the mean wind direction have been considered as an input for the wave simulations.
Water Levels
According to the Chart datums for the Geat Lakes and the maximum water level for the Lake Michigan, a value of
+ 1.3 (m) in the water level has been included in the wave simulations, in order to include a conservative value for the wave modeling in front of the Kenosha Dunes.
Conditions to simulate
30 biggest storms from stations 1 and 2 (60 in total)
Wave heights of return periods 25, 50 and 100 years
V​elocity = 20.5 (m/s) – max. Wind from operational data
Direction = 61 (deg) – main direction from operational data
Water levels
Current bathymetry +1.3 (m)
Numerical Model
CMS-WAVE from Aquaveo Suit
Bathymetric data
(general view)
Bathymetry obtained from UW-Madison measurements in the Lake Michigan
Bathymetric data
(project area)
Model grids
Two grid nesting have been created for the simulation of waves. One external grid with a resolution of
40 (m) X 40 (m) and a finer one with a resolution of 4 (m) X 4 (m) in order to improve the numerical calculations in the project location.
Wave spectrum
Water wave simulation has been based on spectral propagation to the project location. The 30 biggest storms for each storm and also the return period wave height for 25, 50 and 100 years have been included.