Results - Waves
Waves simulation
30 biggest waves from Station 1
From the biggest storms occurred in Station 1, the inshore results have been extracted in 6 different nodes named N1 to N6 along the Kenocha Dunes beach. The wave height values obtained are about 0.5 (m) and 1 (m), with a range of periods between 7 (s) and 10 (s) and directions coming from the NE and E.
Waves simulation
30 biggest waves from Station 2
Similar to Station 1, in Station 2 the inshore results have been extracted in 6 different nodes named N1 to N6 along the Kenocha Dunes beach. The wave height values obtained here are also about 0.5 (m) and 1 (m), with a range of periods between 7 (s) and 10 (s) and directions coming from the NE and E.
Waves simulation
For the extreme values simulations, the wave heights from Station 2 have been simulated. Waves for 25, 50 and 100 years of return period extracted on 6 different nodes along the beach. The results show wave height values between 0.5 (m) and 0.77 (m), the periods, according have been taken as constant (10 (s)) in order to take the more unfavorable case. For the directions, we can see waves coming from NE and also SE.
Results - Runup
3 formulations considered:
CEM (Coastal Engineering Manual)
Van der Meer
Ovetopping manual
Main parameters used in formulations:
Wave height
Wave period
Wave direction
Slope of the profiles (1:3 assumed)
profile 1:3
30 biggest storms
For the profiles N1 to N3, the maximum runup elevation reaches a value of 1.5 (m) in the profile N2, associated to a wave of 3.31 (m). In the same way for the profiles N4 to N6, the runup elevation about 2.4 (m) in the profile N5, associate to the same wave condition of 3.31 (m).
profile 1:3
Return period waves
For the extreme values simulations, for profiles N1 to N3, the maximum runup elevations corresponds to the wave associated to 100 years of return period in the profile N2 wit a value of 1.72 (m). For the profiles N4 to N6, the runup elevation reaches 1.54 (m) in the profile N5, also for the wave associated to 100 years of return period.
The simulations have been performed satisfactorily
This is a simplified numerical simulation, nevertheless it can give us a insight about the probable water level over the eroded beach
Extreme wave conditions result in the maximum water elevations over the profile. Conservative simulations have been performed under very unfavorable weather conditions
Among the different empirical formulas used in this project, the CEM formualtion results is the most unfavorable, which can be reccomended to be used in eventual hazards
Even when the results are acceptable, more detailed simulations are reccomendable to have more exact results about the water elevations over the beach